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Who Are The Berge Sisters?

Lacey Berge
Age: 13
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 95lbs
Brave, hot-tempered, and fiercely loyal, Lacey isn’t afraid to face down any ghost or monster armed with an infinite supply of spirit and sarcasm. She may be prone to fits of rage at a moment’s notice, but she’ll never abandon those she loves, not matter how much they might annoy her at times.
Cal Berge
Age: 12
Height: 4’2”
Weight: 75lbs
Calandra “Cal” Berge has a factoid for every occasion. Always marching to the beat of her own soundtrack (thanks to her vintage CD player and headphones) she uses her mega-smarts to outwit any otherworldly creatures that cross her path. Cal may lack social grace, but no one would ever accuse her of not saying what’s on her mind, no matter how awkward it might be.

Check Out Their Adventures Here!
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